The Mighty Junebugg – a June of all Trades

My Christmas Wish List
December 5, 2009, 4:56 am
Filed under: Cooking, DJing, family, Friends, Graphic Design, Life, movies, Peru, Road Trip, Shoes, Travel, Uncategorized, Wish List

Ok so I know I’m going a little bit overboard on this wishlist but I just compiled it as if money was no object to all my friends & family. =)

#1 – Tom Tom GPS with Snoop Dogg voice!!!

Holy Shit, this thing is SO DOPE! Please dear Lord let Snoop Dogg guide my way!

#2 – A Freakin’ BLIMP ride!

So I’m driving around town the other day and I see a huge blimp floating around. It wasn’t the Goodyear Blimp, but it had some writing on it. I couldn’t see what it said so I zoomed in, took a picture and hoped I would be able to zoom in again on my computer to see what it said. I was SO FREAKIN EXCITED when I saw what it said…

I have always wanted to ride in a blimp!!! I even asked my dad about it and he said its almost impossible to get a ride on a blimp. Please Dear Santa, let me get a ride on this blimp! Check out their website Airship Ventures. You can even fly around NAPA WINERIES on this frickin thing! (Disclaimer: I know I used the word FRICKIN and !!! a lot in this one but I was just really excited)

#3 – KitchenAid Mixer

I bought an $80 Sunbeam mixer and blew it up making masa. If you don’t know by now… I cook, like a lot and I need a hardcore mixer. Look how sexy this silver KitchenAid is! I’ve gone to Costco several times just to marvel at its beauty.

#4 Alien Skin Eye Candy

This is some nerd shit but I really want it! Its an Adobe Photoshop plug in that helps to make amazing effects. I got the demo version but it ran out and I just wanna be legit so I can go all out!

#5 – A New Pair of Crocs

I know, I know, they are ugly… maybe even borderline hideous but they are so comfortable. I love to wear them while cooking or around the campsite. The pair I have now have seen some places, but are finally breaking down after a few years of good service to me.

So…Yes, All of those please, size 8 (except for the boots cause they are men’s so size 6). I love them!

#6 – Rane TTM-57SL

I really do need a new mixer, so some one Santa… hook it up!

#7 – A Trip to Peru!

Listen Recovery has extensive posts on their blog about Peru. If you don’t know much about the place, check it out and see how beautiful the country is!

#8 A Verizon Wireless Mobile Modem

I would love to be able to blog and look up info while camping or on the go. Verizon has the best coverage in the US so hopefully I’d be able to get a signal most anywhere.

#9 Rosetta Stone – Spanish (Latin America)

Ok so if I’m gonna go to Peru, I’ll need to speak Spanish…

#10 – MacBook Pro 13-inch

Fully loaded, biggest everything please!

#11 Cinemark Movie Tickets

I’m socially retarded when it comes to movies. People are constantly asking me, “Have you seen that movie” and I’m constantly saying, “No”. I need to catch up on my movie watching folks, so help a sister out and hook up some movie tickets. Cinemark is right down the street.

So there you have it folks, my top 11 Christmas wish items. If I don’t get them though… its cool, I got my family and they are more important to me than than anything else.

Look how cute my mom & dad are! They made their own website just cause!

2012 the Movie = absolutely ridiculous!
November 22, 2009, 1:54 am
Filed under: 2012, Astronomy, movies

Another instance of “Hype Gone Wrong” occurred with this movie. I must admit, I was really excited to see this movie. I’ve been seeing the billboards for months and it looked like it was gonna be a good flick. Too bad I didn’t watch the trailer first, I would have known how bad it was. So anyways, here is a movie trailer based on the Mayan Calendar. After you watch this one, watch the trailer for “2012” the Hollywood movie and see how they took a small fraction of truth and twisted it in the most outrageous way.

The movie 2012 was lame. I was rolling my eyes at its riduculosness through out the entire movie. I sighed, I slapped my leg… I really just couldn’t stand it. To make it even worse, they threw in the corniest humor imaginable.

Anywho, enough ranting! Thanks to my friend Angelica for sharing the info about the Shift of the Ages documentary.

If my friend Matthew Ota is reading this, I would love to hear your views. Is there really a grand planetary alignment occurring in 2012? What effects do alignments have on the Earth? What do you think of the 2012 hype? Matt is an amateur astronomer & telescope operator. He has worked at Mt. Wilson Observatory and hosted countless astronomy outreach programs. He has also been kind enough in the past to bring his telescope and equipment out to our camping trips & to Park Jam.